Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Adult Book Club
4/30 7:00 p.m.

Due to the Emancipation Day holiday our adult book club evening had to be shifted to the end of the last wednesday of the month. This month's selection is "Gargantuan" by Maggie Estep.
Ruby's life is nothing if not complicated: she's spending a lot of her time worrying about a jocky named Attila Johnson; a good-hearted Teamster with a bad back; a neighbor who is suspicious of anything that moves; one very fat cat who craves raw meat; a missing FBI agent; an underused piano; a few fine horses--and the sure knowledge that somehow, somewhere there is a killer among them.
Personally I fell in love with Maggie Estep in the 90's when I saw her on the MTV slam poetry shows. I bought her first poetry album "No More Mister Nice Girl" more than once, because I wore out the tape so I bought the CD. Her voice and her vision of quirky New York life are just something that I couldn't help but love. Her poetry is raw, excessive, clever and unique, and this book is no different.

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